Creating Shareable Content
Roughly 2 million blog posts are published every day. Combine that with the billions of photos, statuses, and videos published too, and you’ve got a pretty saturated stream of content. With all the content being created, you need to be able to pierce through all the material that’s being published and make some pretty stellar stuff to get noticed.
Here are our top tips to create content that will make people want to repost.
Make it Easy
According to a study by Moz and BuzzSumo, videos and quizzes are some of the most-shared content. Why? They’re easy. How many times have you stumbled across a BuzzFeed quiz, taken it, and immediately forwarded it to your 10 closest friends because you need to know what their coffee order says about when they will get married?
Like listicles – which also ranked high in the Moz and BuzzSumo study – these short, entertaining pieces are easy to digest and don’t require a lot of thought or energy to enjoy. Focus on one succinct topic, and do it justice.
Make it Meaningful
Inspirational content is super shareable – and so are pieces that tug at the heartstrings. When you experience strong emotions while reading an article or watching a video, you are much more likely to share it. But don’t make your content too sad; pieces that evoke positive emotions experience much larger share volumes. Think of those rescue puppy videos: would you watch and share if that dog didn’t get to a good home and completely recover? Probably not. But because everything turns out the way we want it to, we’ll hit the share button while awkwardly crying at our desks.
People are also more likely to share your content if you retain your sense of humor. No, you don’t need to crack joke after joke, but your piece should sound like a real person created it, while still being polished. Ditch the robotic language and loosen up a little – this isn’t your eleventh grade English paper on Macbeth.
Make it Personal
People don’t share articles on Facebook to drive traffic to your website, they share to connect with other people. So what does that mean? Share information that is useful or entertaining for your audience and the people they interact with. A great way to do this is to engage with the community and listen to what they’re interested in. Read the comments people leave, analyze what’s working with your content, and look at what other members of your community are sharing and creating.
Don’t forget: these tips are based on the average post. There are always outliers that will perform exceptionally well. So, instead of investing too much time and energy in creating mediocre posts, aim for something better. Creating consistent quality content will not only drive people to your website, it will also establish customer loyalty, instill trust, and help you build your brand’s voice.