The Big Guys Believe in Social Media
In the big leagues, social marketing has become huge and a mainstay. 8 out of 10 brands, with revenues larger than $1 billion, have social marketing under the CMO or another C-Level executive.
68% of companies are growing their social budget, while only 55% are growing their total marketing budget.
Almost all (98%) of larger companies in the Spredfast Forrester “The 2104 State of Enterprise Scoial Marketing Report” market on at least one social network and more than half plan to add another.
And they are measuring success, not based on ROI as we usually define it, but on audience engagement — the way we started to measure it in the beginning.
The top two metrics being measured are volume (76%) and engagement (73%), with the least measured metric being conversions.
31% of companies have over 15 employees working on social marketing part-time. 30% of companies with revenue over $25 billion have over 25 full-time social marketers.
It’s probably time for you to get involved or to ramp up. It doesn’t seem to be going away.