Use Facebook’s built-in advertising platform and post-boosting function to increase impressions and engagement on ongoing content and build follower numbers on Facebook and Instagram.
With Facebook’s and Instagram’s continuing algorithm changes resulting in ever-decreasing organic reach for business pages, regular paid support of ongoing content ensures that St. Vital Centre’s followers are seeing – and engaging with – posts. In addition, general paid page promotion helps to build awareness of St. Vital Centre’s page and bring in new followers.
A recent two-week Facebook page promotion reached 9,706 people and generated 218 new page likes. Regular boosted posts generate increased impressions and engagements on an ongoing basis. A recent Facebook post went from an organic reach of 1,500 people to a boosted reach of 6,600 people, and achieved 150 link clicks. A recent boosted Instagram post jumped from 2,000 impressions organically to 9,200 impressions and 221 likes following a paid boost.
ClientSt. Vital CentreProjectSocial Media Ads and Post Boosting