Facebook's Declining Page Reach

Facebook’s Declining Page Reach

Facebook announced almost a month ago that it was further reducing the organic reach of Page posts to only 1% – 2%. The decline started a few months ago, when it made an algorithm change to its News Feed, impacting what users saw. Pages immediately felt the effects, as organic reach per post suddenly declined to approximately 6%. But to go even further to only 1% – 2% has many marketers mad and wondering whether Facebook is the right medium to reach their audience.

As a Page admin for one of our clients, the change has been more than frustrating. We’ve worked hard with our client to grow their Facebook page, and worked hard to develop content relevant to our audience. And it hasn’t all been done for free – our client is no stranger to sponsoring posts and buying ad space on Facebook.

Users have actively chosen to engage with our client’s brand by Liking their Facebook page. They want to know what’s going on and want to dialogue with our client’s brand. So what now? I’ve been reading plenty of articles, researching, and doing a lot of trial and error to figure out how to engage our audience again. But time will tell what works and what doesn’t!