Communicating on your Facebook Business Page

Communicating on your Facebook Business Page

Your Facebook business page can be addictive and very time-consuming, and it can also be sadly neglected and left for dead. Of course, some where in the middle is where you need to be.

Posting updates more than once, or maybe twice per day is about the most we suggest you do. If you are always on your fans’ walls, and your message isn’t always titillating and timely, they’ll drop you quickly.

Being “liked” on Facebook, as a business, is a privilege. It is an offer from a customer or prospect to communicate and it must be taken seriously. While it can be a place for sales notices and company information, the more of that you do, the more you look like spam and the faster they’ll drop you.

Facebook is your opportunity to build a customer relationship that can become quite intimate, one-on-one. It is your chance to listen to your customers and to share information that they desire to make better buying decisions and to maintain loyalty.

As a person’s Facebook wall continues to scroll and messages fall out of sight, it is useful to find the most opportune posting times of the day. Look at posts that got the most comments and determine the time of day they were posted. You should also use Facebook Insights, which let’s you monitor interactions on your page over a set time period.

Two other quick tips, after ensuring that you have a Facebook “business page”, not a personal profile page, is to create a strong call-to-action for visitors to “like” you (the Red Bull example above is an excellent one with nothing but a call-to-action), thereby opening the door to communication, and include keywords as often as you can in your status updates, photo captions and anywhere else you can. Talk to your community, speak their language, thank them, reward them and listen to them.

At Fusion, we help our clients manage their Facebook, Twitter and other social networking accounts, ensuring that we create a strong and consumer-oriented brand voice and messaging strategy.