2B or not 2B … B2B marketers no longer have any choice

2B or not 2B … B2B marketers no longer have any choice

Social marketing has become an inescapable aspect of our daily lives. It’s around us even if we don’t belong to social networks. While…

The changing face of the Exchange District

The changing face of the Exchange District

In 1993, Fusion moved from my former business partner’s office building in East Kildonan to Albert Street in the Exchange. We were on the top floor…

5 Reasons Content is the New Currency

Money can’t buy trust. But social media content can. As our friends at Ogilvy & Mather said, “Sharing content helps us connect. Connection helps…

Not the same old, same old.

The other day, I was talking with one of my colleagues at Fusion about how much things have changed in our industry over the last decade. We’ve read…

What Type of a person are you?

Once every week a bunch of bright sparks at Fusion huddle together to share what inspires them. So what inspires us? When it comes to inspiration we…

The Zen of Painting

The Zen of Painting

I love working with watercolour paints - they have sometimes been touted as the hardest medium to work with as it’s difficult to correct mistakes,…

Why your Social Media Return is Negative

Why your Social Media Return is Negative

A couple of years ago, a study revealed that 74% of CEOs think that marketers lack serious credibility due to our talk of “trends” like social media…

Let’s Get Really Social!

Let’s Get Really Social!

Near Field Communications, or NFC, is the real-life version of a Minority Report-like future where ad panels recognized the character played by Tom…

Audience? What Audience?

We marketers often ask our clients about their audience. Who is your target audience? What are their demographics? Where do you find them? But that…

The Rise of Neuro-Marketing

The Rise of Neuro-Marketing

Ever go into a mall parking lot and smell delicious and tempting food wafting from a restaurant nearby? Ever notice the smell of coconut in the…

Grabbing Attention with Online Ads

People love to look at people. When you show faces, you grab attention. When you show most anything else, you lose attention. EyeTrackShop is a…